

by - agosto 06, 2023


Mujer japonesa vestida de forma tradicional
Utagawa Kunisada, "Black" (1847-1852)

They asked me if I was on fire and I said No no no no

no no no I did not want to make trouble I was lying I was

on fire on my legs and on my hands I was ashamed I tried

to hide my legs by kneeling I set the grass on fire The colors 

were a pleasant green and orange combination I liked it and smoke

I was not in pain or on pain I was on fire and lying why

to the people Obviously they loved me were warm and pink

and vocal on a promising spring day with electric buds Electrifying 

I mean I mean bright bright bright like a likeness of me I wanted

to gnaw and to gnaw on an extra large slice of my likeness

Heather Christle (1980). Columbia Poetry Review, no. 23, 2010. Chicago: Columbia College Chicago.

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