

by - enero 10, 2025


Hans Baldung "Death and the Woman" (1520-25)


The stars were wild that summer evening

As on the low lake shore stood you and I

And every time I caught your flashing eye

Or heard your voice discourse on anything 

It seemed a star went burning down the sky.

I looked into your heart that dying summer

And found your silent woman's heart grown wild

Whereupon you turned to me and smiled

Saying you felt afraid but that you were

Weary of being muted and undefiled.


I spoke to you that last winter morning

Watching the wind smoke snow across the ice

Told of how the beauty of your spirit, flesh,

And smile had made day break at night and spring

Burst beauty in the wasting winter's place.

You did not answer when I spoke, but stood

As if that wistful part of you, your sorrow,

Were blown about in fitful winds below;

Your eyes replied your worn heart wished it could

Again be white and silent as the snow.

Galway Kinnell (1927-2014). Poems. Classic Poetry Series, 2012.

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